Coaching Videos
A Simple Tool For Better Decisions & More Effective Actions
There is often a gaping chasm between our values and our actions. That gap is bridged by our decisions. If you want to get leverage on yourself and take actions that move you towards your dreams instead of away from them, you can't do it by just trying to take better actions. You have to go upstream and address this at the level of your decisions.
The Most Important Vote Of Your Life
Many of us have been caught up in the US presidential election lately. It's felt like an existential battle between the forces of good and evil. We've also just had state elections where I live. A lot of people have been wondering who they should vote for. There's a vote you can place that has a very direct impact on your success, wealth and prosperity. That's to vote for yourself. Not in the presidential election, but in the election of life.
Are You Tiptoeing Your Way Through Life?
Recently I caught up with a dear friend. During our conversation, she mentioned a quote that I had never heard before. And when she said it, it was like she dropped a bomb. It really profoundly affected me. It comes from Earl Nightingale: “Most people tiptoe their way through life, hoping they make it safely to death.”
Are You Willing To Do Whatever It Takes?
So… you’ve got a big goal, a lifelong dream. You've got a burning desire to achieve this goal. Nothing would give you greater joy than to make this dream a reality. It's your life's purpose. But are you willing to do whatever it takes to make your dream come true, to achieve this goal? How dedicated and committed are you to getting these results? What are you willing to do to solve your challenges, to overcome your obstacles, to move forward?