Coaching Videos

Working Smarter, Not Harder, To Achieve Music Success
Music Career Lisha Kayrooz Music Career Lisha Kayrooz

Working Smarter, Not Harder, To Achieve Music Success

I'd like to give you some concepts that can help you make the biggest difference in the shortest amount of time in your music career. The key is not necessarily working harder, it's working smarter. If you're working hard on the wrong things or on things that aren't going to make a tangible difference in your music career, you're just going to keep spinning your wheels.

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What Does It Take To Make A Living As A Musician Now?
Music Career Lisha Kayrooz Music Career Lisha Kayrooz

What Does It Take To Make A Living As A Musician Now?

If you've struggled to get the success you've dreamed of in your music career, you might be wondering, “What does it actually take to make a living as a musician in the New Music Business?” The answer is deceptively simple: fans. No business can survive let alone thrive without customers. Your fans are the lifeblood of your music business; they are your customers. No matter how great your music is, without fans, you don't have a viable music business.

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