Coaching Videos
How to Overcome Information Overload
If you've got a big, ambitious dream or goal, there will be significant challenges involved in achieving it. You'll have to learn new things if you want to move forward and make progress towards your dream. So educating yourself is crucial to your success, but this is also where some problems arise that sabotage your success.
Your Career/Business Will Only Grow To The Extent YOU Grow
Often, if we're trying to solve a problem or achieve a goal, we're looking for a quick fix. We focus on getting the latest tip, hack, strategy, or tactic. And then we try it, and if we don't see results in 5 minutes, we give up on it and go looking for the next one. We get perpetually distracted chasing these things thinking they're the magic pill or silver bullet that's going to solve our problem and make everything fall into place.
Are You Tiptoeing Your Way Through Life?
Recently I caught up with a dear friend. During our conversation, she mentioned a quote that I had never heard before. And when she said it, it was like she dropped a bomb. It really profoundly affected me. It comes from Earl Nightingale: “Most people tiptoe their way through life, hoping they make it safely to death.”
Make An Investment In Yourself
One thing that prevents people from having the success they want is that they refuse to make an investment in themselves. Here's what I mean. You have a dream or a goal, and in order for you to go to that next level to achieve it, it requires that you invest in a coach or an online training course or a physical product or tool of some kind. You might think that it's about money, but it's not.
Are You Willing To Do Whatever It Takes?
So… you’ve got a big goal, a lifelong dream. You've got a burning desire to achieve this goal. Nothing would give you greater joy than to make this dream a reality. It's your life's purpose. But are you willing to do whatever it takes to make your dream come true, to achieve this goal? How dedicated and committed are you to getting these results? What are you willing to do to solve your challenges, to overcome your obstacles, to move forward?
Mastering Priorities: A Simple Tool For Life Balance
Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done that’s important in your life? It can be really challenging to achieve a balance between all of your different commitments and priorities; work, study, goals and dreams, family, relationships, health, leisure time and hobbies. How do you figure out your priorities and still make room for all the important things in your life so they actually get done and you feel like you’re moving forward?
Are You Unconsciously Saying “No” To Your Goals & Dreams?
Your life is the sum total of your decisions. If you haven't achieved your goal yet, it's probably because you're not making decisions on a daily basis that serve you. We want to start to make decisions that serve us better, that move us towards our goals and dreams.