Coaching Videos

Embrace This “Weakness” To Unlock Your Musical Superpower
Monday Motivation, Music Career Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation, Music Career Lisha Kayrooz

Embrace This “Weakness” To Unlock Your Musical Superpower

Do you struggle to put yourself and your music out there? A lot of musicians do because they fear being judged and criticised. This is often why they engage in perfectionism, to try to eliminate the risk of being criticised. Dr. Brené Brown describes perfectionism as a 20-ton shield that we carry around thinking it’s protecting us from judgement and criticism, but what it’s really doing is keeping us from being seen. And you can't build your audience if people can't see you.

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If It Makes You Uncomfortable, You Should Probably Do It
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

If It Makes You Uncomfortable, You Should Probably Do It

Abraham Maslow said, “In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.” And the only place growth happens is at the edge of your comfort zone and slightly beyond it. Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life. Facing that discomfort requires courage. Courage is not the absence of fear; it's acting in the presence of it.

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Do You Have A Big Enough “Why”?
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

Do You Have A Big Enough “Why”?

We come often unstuck working towards our goals and dreams with the “how.” The "how" seems hard or painful, and so we don't do it. But the “how” isn't the most important thing. The most important thing is the “why.” You need to have a “why” that's so monumentally important that the pain of not achieving your why is greater than the pain of the how that you go through to achieve your why.

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