Coaching Videos
Why Discipline, Not Motivation, is Your Key to Success
If you've got a big dream, there will be high-value actions you'll have to do consistently and repeatedly in order to be successful. A common mistake we make is relying on being motivated to do these things. You will never always be motivated. You have to learn to be disciplined. Discipline has a negative connotation for a lot of people.
The Question To Ask Yourself To Solve Your Problems Better
We can’t avoid problems, but we can become more intentional in the way we address our problems. If we don't, not only do we get stuck going around in circles with those problems, but they can create feedback loops that cause even more problems, which in turn can diminish our quality of life, our fulfilment, and our ability to achieve our goals and dreams.
A Simple Tool For Better Decisions & More Effective Actions
There is often a gaping chasm between our values and our actions. That gap is bridged by our decisions. If you want to get leverage on yourself and take actions that move you towards your dreams instead of away from them, you can't do it by just trying to take better actions. You have to go upstream and address this at the level of your decisions.
Where Are You Settling For “Good Enough” In Your Life?
We're often afraid to go for the “great” because we’re reluctant to leave the guaranteed comfort of the “good.” It can be hard to step out into the unknown when what we have is comfortable and familiar, and we’re not guaranteed either of those things in moving forward. Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great, because the good never quite pays off the same way.
How To Move Past Your Biggest Fear
As we're working towards our goals, we have to get into new environments, go through new experiences, have new relationships, and learn new things. This means that we're often outside of our comfort zone because we're dealing with unfamiliarity and uncertainty. As a result, we feel a lot of fear. This fear becomes resistance that stops us from moving forward. We don't take action on our dreams and goals because of our fear.
Is Your Intuition Keeping You Stuck?
A lot of the time we rely on our intuition. We do what “feels” right and we avoid doing things that don't feel right. We think if it feels right, it must be the right thing to do. But when it comes to achieving our goals, often the reason we get stuck and don't make progress is because we rely on our intuition.
Which Pain Would You Rather Have?
All human behaviour boils down to two fundamental motivations. We move towards something in order to gain pleasure, or we move away from something in order to avoid pain. If you've got a dream or goal that's important to you but you're not taking action to move yourself closer to that goal, which of those two motivations is driving you?
Are You Tiptoeing Your Way Through Life?
Recently I caught up with a dear friend. During our conversation, she mentioned a quote that I had never heard before. And when she said it, it was like she dropped a bomb. It really profoundly affected me. It comes from Earl Nightingale: “Most people tiptoe their way through life, hoping they make it safely to death.”
Are You Willing To Do Whatever It Takes?
So… you’ve got a big goal, a lifelong dream. You've got a burning desire to achieve this goal. Nothing would give you greater joy than to make this dream a reality. It's your life's purpose. But are you willing to do whatever it takes to make your dream come true, to achieve this goal? How dedicated and committed are you to getting these results? What are you willing to do to solve your challenges, to overcome your obstacles, to move forward?
Mastering Priorities: A Simple Tool For Life Balance
Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done that’s important in your life? It can be really challenging to achieve a balance between all of your different commitments and priorities; work, study, goals and dreams, family, relationships, health, leisure time and hobbies. How do you figure out your priorities and still make room for all the important things in your life so they actually get done and you feel like you’re moving forward?
Are You Unconsciously Saying “No” To Your Goals & Dreams?
Your life is the sum total of your decisions. If you haven't achieved your goal yet, it's probably because you're not making decisions on a daily basis that serve you. We want to start to make decisions that serve us better, that move us towards our goals and dreams.