Coaching Videos

How To Keep Moving Forward When You Feel Like Giving Up
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

How To Keep Moving Forward When You Feel Like Giving Up

Have you ever felt like giving up on your dream? The biggest reason people fail to achieve their goals is that they simply give up. If you've got a big, ambitious goal like becoming a successful full-time musician, you've probably been tempted to give up on your dream numerous times. The bigger your dream, the bigger the risk of you wanting to give up on it. Why is that? And what do you do about it?

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Perseverance Is The Price Of Success
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

Perseverance Is The Price Of Success

By the middle of February, 80% of New Year's resolutions have failed. So the overwhelming majority of people, if they even had a resolution, a goal, or a dream for their life this year, have given up on it already. If you're feeling discouraged and thinking about quitting because you feel like you're not making progress or you haven't achieved anything, I want to encourage you to keep going. Because you have achieved something.

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Be Ruthless For Your Well-being
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

Be Ruthless For Your Well-being

Every day we face an assault on our well-being from multiple sources. Why am I talking about well-being in relation to achieving your goals? Because if you have don't have well-being, if you are depressed, have low self-esteem, lack of confidence, you feel physically run down, then you won't be inspired to even dream big enough to have a vision for your life in the first place.

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Discomfort, Transformation & Achieving Your Goals
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

Discomfort, Transformation & Achieving Your Goals

A lot of people never achieve their dreams because they haven't realised that they're going to have to go through a transformation and go to the edge of their comfort zone. And as they get closer to the edge of their comfort zone, they start experiencing discomfort. Because they're not prepared for that discomfort, they feel like something is going wrong. So rather than pressing on, they stop and retreat. They sabotage their progress because they don't like the discomfort.

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Working Smarter, Not Harder, To Achieve Music Success
Music Career Lisha Kayrooz Music Career Lisha Kayrooz

Working Smarter, Not Harder, To Achieve Music Success

I'd like to give you some concepts that can help you make the biggest difference in the shortest amount of time in your music career. The key is not necessarily working harder, it's working smarter. If you're working hard on the wrong things or on things that aren't going to make a tangible difference in your music career, you're just going to keep spinning your wheels.

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