Coaching Videos

Embrace This “Weakness” To Unlock Your Musical Superpower
Monday Motivation, Music Career Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation, Music Career Lisha Kayrooz

Embrace This “Weakness” To Unlock Your Musical Superpower

Do you struggle to put yourself and your music out there? A lot of musicians do because they fear being judged and criticised. This is often why they engage in perfectionism, to try to eliminate the risk of being criticised. Dr. Brené Brown describes perfectionism as a 20-ton shield that we carry around thinking it’s protecting us from judgement and criticism, but what it’s really doing is keeping us from being seen. And you can't build your audience if people can't see you.

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Your Perfectionism Might Be The Biggest Obstacle To Success
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

Your Perfectionism Might Be The Biggest Obstacle To Success

A lot of us as musicians, artists, and creatives identify as perfectionists. We wear our perfectionism as a badge of honour because we think it means we're striving to attain excellence, and that excellence will garner us attention, praise, and ultimately, success. But being a perfectionist is not going to guarantee your success. In fact, your perfectionism might be the biggest obstacle to your success.

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How To Overcome Your Fear Of Failure
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

How To Overcome Your Fear Of Failure

We've been conditioned that failure is bad. We don't take risks for fear of failure. We think that failure is final and it means the end of our dreams. If we try something and we don't get the result we want, we think it means something deeper about us, that we're inadequate or inferior in some way, that there's something wrong with us. This over-identification with failure can totally immobilise us.

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Are You Choosing Unhappiness Over Uncertainty?
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

Are You Choosing Unhappiness Over Uncertainty?

We need to take action if we want to achieve our dreams. And yet most people don't take action at all, let alone the kind of consistent, sustained action necessary to achieve their dreams. They don't even try. Why? Fear. Specifically, fear of the unknown. Uncertainty and the prospect of failure can be really scary noises in the shadows. This is why most people will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.

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The Mind-Blowing Plant That Can Help You Build Your Music Career
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

The Mind-Blowing Plant That Can Help You Build Your Music Career

One of the biggest challenges you face when you're following your dream is it's hard to believe in and keep working towards building something you can't see. You can work for years on your dream with no visible signs of progress, and you can become discouraged and start to doubt yourself. The despair can be so overwhelming that you give up on your dream. So what do you do?

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How To Move Past Your Biggest Fear
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

How To Move Past Your Biggest Fear

As we're working towards our goals, we have to get into new environments, go through new experiences, have new relationships, and learn new things. This means that we're often outside of our comfort zone because we're dealing with unfamiliarity and uncertainty. As a result, we feel a lot of fear. This fear becomes resistance that stops us from moving forward. We don't take action on our dreams and goals because of our fear.

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Which Pain Would You Rather Have?
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

Which Pain Would You Rather Have?

All human behaviour boils down to two fundamental motivations. We move towards something in order to gain pleasure, or we move away from something in order to avoid pain. If you've got a dream or goal that's important to you but you're not taking action to move yourself closer to that goal, which of those two motivations is driving you?

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How To Reframe Your Fear Of Failure To Achieve Success
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

How To Reframe Your Fear Of Failure To Achieve Success

By far, the biggest fear that immobilises us and stops us from achieving our dreams is the fear of failure. We've been culturally conditioned that failure is bad. We're taught that it's safer to just not try, so many of us don't take risks for fear of failure. And yet the most successful people are often the ones who are willing to take risks. They haven't avoided failure; they've failed the most.

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Are You Tiptoeing Your Way Through Life?
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

Are You Tiptoeing Your Way Through Life?

Recently I caught up with a dear friend. During our conversation, she mentioned a quote that I had never heard before. And when she said it, it was like she dropped a bomb. It really profoundly affected me. It comes from Earl Nightingale: “Most people tiptoe their way through life, hoping they make it safely to death.”

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How We Create Our Own Suffering & How To Avoid It
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

How We Create Our Own Suffering & How To Avoid It

Pain and suffering are very powerful and can really derail our lives. It changes our behaviour towards the people around us. It changes the thoughts we have about ourselves. It's why people develop addictions. In extreme cases, it's why people commit suicide. We tend to think of pain and suffering as the same thing, but they're not. They're related, but there's a distinction. It's really important to understand this distinction because, when you do, you won't be shut down by negative situations in your life.

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Do You Have A Big Enough “Why”?
Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz Monday Motivation Lisha Kayrooz

Do You Have A Big Enough “Why”?

We come often unstuck working towards our goals and dreams with the “how.” The "how" seems hard or painful, and so we don't do it. But the “how” isn't the most important thing. The most important thing is the “why.” You need to have a “why” that's so monumentally important that the pain of not achieving your why is greater than the pain of the how that you go through to achieve your why.

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